January 1, 2025
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos and their loved ones a happy, prosperous and healthy 2025.


December 28, 2024
On Monday, January 6, 2025, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

December 24, 2024
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos

December 19, 2024
On Wednesday, December 18, the renovation of the elevator cars and shaft in the low-rise building almost complete. The wooden partitions were then removed. The lifts were inspected on December 19 and were put back into service in the afternoon. There is still work to be done on the elevators, but there will always be 1 elevator in operation. Replacing the interior of the elevators will take place in January 2025.

December 3, 2024
The odd lift in the low-rise building has been almost completely renovated and is back in use, the interior will be replaced in January

November 26, 2024
On Monday, December 2, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM 28, 2024
Oktober 28, 2024
On Monday, November 4, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

September 29, 2024
Upcoming work
Elevator renovation
11/11/24 to 28/11/24
Renovation uneven elevator lowrise building
29/11/24 to 20/12/24
Renovation even elevator lowrise building
Facade repair corner of low-rise/high-rise Week 42 - construction scaffolding
Week 43-47 maintenance and repair of facades

September 28, 2024
On Monday, October 7, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

August 28, 2024
On Monday, September 2, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

August 12, 2024
The cleaner Alaattin has recently left for Turkey for a funeral. He is expected to be back on Tuesday, August 13 and resume his work. From Monday 19 August he will be absent for 4 weeks and his duties will be carried out by other people, just like in previous years.

July 26, 2024
On Monday, August 4, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

July 22, 2024
On July 10 this year you received a letter regarding the persistent problems with lifts and the lack of information from Orona to the customer (HOA).
The board has now again asked Orona questions by email, asking for an explanation and the fact that their actions have created a negative image of Orona's skills and professionalism. 
Unfortunately, we have not received any substantive answers to date. They have, however, made a proposal for a meeting on August 20, in which they would like to provide details and explanations on how they intend to improve the situation regarding the lifts and communication with VvE Belvédèrebos. A similar conversation took place on September 5 last year, after which Orona has not shown in any way that they are actually improving the points discussed.
As a board and manager, we are investigating whether an independent lift party can provide us with advice so that we are better able to understand the current situation of lift status. A party has been approached for this and we are awaiting their response and cost statement. If a conversation with Orona takes place, an independent party will certainly participate.
In view of the above, it is the expectation of the board and manager that we will not see any serious change in Orona's services before this appointment. If anything unexpectedly changes, we will of course inform you immediately.
We thank you in advance for your understanding.

July 14, 2024
REMINDER -- The second General Members Meeting of your Owners Association will be held on July 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos

July 10, 2024
At the AGM of January 11 this year, the AGM decided to award the lift renovation contract to Orona based on the updated quotation. Unfortunately, the order was only given to Orona by the previous manager on March 15, so the renovation is scheduled for the end of this year.
There has been a clearly noticeable increase in elevator problems this year, especially in low-rise buildings. These problems keep recurring and for which, as it seems, no structural solution can be found. As manager and board, we understand that members would like to be informed about this, but unfortunately, despite all these problems and the almost daily presence of lift technicians, it remains remarkably quiet from Orona to the manager/association. No information is provided in any way regarding the nature and reason of disruptions. When asked, a technical answer is returned from which it is not possible to deduce what the problems really are.
The renovation that has already been carried out in the high-rise buildings also does not appear to be sufficient to reduce the number of disruptions. The board continues to ask Orona questions to gain clarity. However, this takes longer than expected.
We thank you in advance for your understanding

June 26, 2024
On Monday, July 1, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

June 21, 2024
The second General Members' Meeting of your Owners' Association will be held on July 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos 15 2715 XA ZOETERMEER. Invitations to the second General Members Meeting of the VvE sent to owners.

June 3, 2024
The General Members' Meeting of your Owners' Association was to be held on June 17, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos 15 2715 A second meeting will therefore be convened and will take place within 6 weeks of the first meeting.

June 1, 2024
The General Members' Meeting of your Owners' Association will be held on June 17, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos 15 2715 XA ZOETERMEER. Invitations to the VvE General Members Meeting sent to owners.

May 26, 2024
On Monday, June 3, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

May 8, 2024
JDU planning for replacing broken valves in homes strang 21-22
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
13-05-2024 | Strang 21 House numbers: 133 147 161 175 189 203 217 231
13-05-2024 | Strang 22 House numbers: 134 148 162 176 190 204 218 232

May 1, 2024
As of today, May 1, we as an Owners' Association have a new manager, 24/7 VvE Management.
You can easily report repairs via the Convect App
With the Convect App members can easily submit a repair request. The app is available for both
Android and iOS (Apple), which you can download from the Playstore or the App Store. In the store you use
the search term: Convect VvE. You log in with your Convect password. In the attachment of the letter to owners you will find the
details to log in for the first time. After you have logged in for the first time, you can then enter this login
use for the app.
Accessibility 24/7 VvE Beheer B.V.
We can be reached by telephone on working days from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at: (085) 060 38 39. Our email address is:
info@247vvebeheer.nl. In the event of emergencies that cannot wait until the next working day, we are available 24 hours a day
day, seven days a week, available on the aforementioned telephone number.

April 24, 2024
On Monday, May 5, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

April 23, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 19-20
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during the work on your home side between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
03-05-2024 | Strang 19 House numbers: 131 145 159 173 187 201 215 229
03-05-2024 | Strang 20 House numbers: 132 146 160 174 188 202 216 230

April 6, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 9-10
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
On the date below we will be in the complex to replace the valves of the (hot) water. An appointment has been scheduled with you, if not please contact us.
Because we need to be in every home to check for leaks, we ask you ALL (including those with whom an appointment has been made) to be home (also) from 3pm.
We thank you all for your cooperation.
11-04-2024 | Strang 12    Homes:  124 138 152 166 180 194 208 222 236 242
12-04-2024 | Strang 13    Homes:  125 139 153 167 181 195 209 223 237 243
15-04-2024 | Strang 14    Homes:  126 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 244
16-04-2024 | Strang 15    Homes:  127 141 155 169 183 197 211 225 239 245
17-04-2024 | Strang 16    Homes:  128 156 184 198 142 170 212 226 240 246
22-04-2024 | Strang 17    Homes:  129 157 213 143 171 185 199 227
22-04-2024 | Strang 18    Homes:  130 144 158 172 200 214 186 228

March 23, 2024
Due to Easter Monday, the walk-in evening will take place on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

March 15, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes Strang 11
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
27-03-2024 | Strang 10, valves in the storage room.
homes: 123-137-151-165-179-193-207-221-235-241

March 13, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 9-10
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
03-15-2024 | Strang 9, valves in the storage room.
homes: 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100
25-03-2024 | Strang 10, valves in the storage room.
homes: 11-21-31-41-51-61-71-81-91-101

February 29, 2024
Planning JDU forreplacing broken valves in homes strang 7-8
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
04-03-2024 | Strang 3, valves in dental prosthesis practice
homes: 4-14-24-34-44-54-64-74-84-94-104-108-112-116-120
second try
04-03-2024 | Strang 7, valves in the storage room.
homes: 8-18-28-38-48-58-68-78-88-98
08-03-2024 | Strang 8, valves in the storage room.
homes: 9-19-29-39-49-59-69-79-89-99

February 25, 2024
On Monday, February 5 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

February 14, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 3-4-5-6
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
02-18-2024 | Strang 3, valves in dental prosthesis practice
homes: 4-14-24-34-44-54-64-74-84-94-104-108-112-116-120
21-02-2024 | Strang 4, valves in Bulky Waste area
homes 5-15-25-35-45-55-65-75-85-95-105-109-113-117-121
26-02-2024 | Strang 5, valves in the storage room.
homes 7-17-27-37-47-57-67-77-87-97
26-02-2024 | Strang 6, valves in the storage room.
homes 7-17-27-37-47-57-77-77-87-97

February 9, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 1-2
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
12-02-2024 | Strang 1, valves in Veterinary Clinic
homes: 2-12-22-32-42-52-62-72-82-92-102-106-110-114-118
13-02-2024 | Strang 2, valves in Veterinary Clinic
homes: 3-13-23-33-43-53-63-73-83-93-103-107-111-115-119

Januari 28, 2023
On Monday, February 5 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

January 20, 2024
Dear residents,
The installer JDU will repair the hot water system of low-rise buildings (122 to 246) on Wednesday, January 24. This is a significant operation that also requires hoisting work. The installer has indicated that the work will be completed in 1 day, but it may take until the evening hours before hot water is available again. There may also be a need for a brief interruption of the cold-water supply to your home. You do not have to be present during the work. However, this means that you will not be able to use hot water during the work between 08:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Best regards, Board home owners association
Belvédèrebos 1 till 246 at Zoetermeer

January 6, 2024
The JDU company will replace all hot water string valves. The high-rise buildings (2 to 121) will be completed on January 15, the low-rise buildings (122 to 246) will be completed on January 16. In addition, January 17 has been reserved for a possible extension. You do not have to be present during the work. However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. The installer will try to complete the work in two days to limit inconvenience. If this is successful, we will inform you on January 17 that the water can be used earlier than planned. After this work has been completed, JDU will contact you to make an appointment to replace the hot water meter in the home. If your water meter has already been replaced, you will not be contacted.

January 1, 2024
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos and their loved ones a happy, prosperous and healthy 2023.


December 28, 2023
On Monday, January 8, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

December 24, 2023
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos happy holidays

December 10, 2023
The board would like to take this opportunity to thank all members who attended the AGM last December 7. The board and the members present are disappointed that despite the well-known importance of this meeting, no majority of members had registered. The support for and decisiveness of a homeowners' association is the responsibility of every member who is part of it. The board implements and monitors the decisions taken at an AGM. A (1st) AGM requires a required majority of votes to be able to make decisions, for the Belvederebos this is 124. If that number is not reached, a 2nd AGM will be held within 6 weeks whereby there is no requirement for a majority. to make decisions. In that case, a minority can make decisions for a majority. The 2nd meeting is now scheduled for January 11, 2022.

December 8, 2023
Unfortunately, the water in the wells could not be pumped out until this morning. Both lifts are now operational again

December 6, 2023
The wells of the high-rise elevators are full of water. This came close to electricity, so the elevators were turned off as a precaution. Orona is dependent on a supplier with regard to the output to pump out wells because they do not do this themselves. They suspect that the submersible pump is defective/not working. This is checked immediately when the well has been pumped empty. Probably tomorrow.

November 25, 2023
On Monday, December 4, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

November 16, 2023
The General Members' Meeting of your Owners' Association will be held on December 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos 15 2715 XA ZOETERMEER. Invitations to the VvE General Members Meeting sent to owners. All associated documents can be found at gate management under ALV tab.

October 28,2023
On Monday, November 5, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

September 29, 2023
The VSR company will start relining the vertical bathroom downpipes from October 12. Relining is pipe renovation without cutting and breaking. The first standpipe that will be done is the 8-storey string on the outside wall (no. 136) and the last is the 10-storey string next to the elevator. The bathroom down pipes for floor 15 were already done at the beginning of this year. VSR expects everything to be completed by November 16.
VSR applies a liner consisting of a seamless knitted polyester stocking in combination with an epoxy resin. The seamless sleeve allows diameter jumps, bends and vertical stretch due to building operation to be absorbed. The cured resin will not tear/break during operation of the building because it becomes "soft" again as a result of increasing tension and thus gains the necessary flexibility. The wick-resin combination gives the pipe to be renovated extra mechanical strength due to the high e-modulus. We do not have to be in the home to reline the down pipes and residents do not have to be at home immediately. This is a major limitation

September 25, 2023
On Monday, October 8, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

September 6, 2023
We received an update about our cleaner. Alaattin has torn/broken his tibia and will not be able to resume his cleaning duties for the time being. It has been agreed with his employer that his planned holiday can go ahead. It is expected that Alaattin will be able to resume his work in mid-October
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the VvE manager VZB-vastgoed via email info@vzbvastgoed.nl or by telephone: 070-4273372

August 30, 2023
On Monday, September 4, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM.

August 28, 2023
On Sunday evening, August 27, we received a report that Alaattin fell on Friday evening and can no longer walk. We don't know what's going on yet, but it will certainly last this week. For that reason, his work will be taken up by a colleague. Who, what and how is not yet known. His employer will try to complete it as best as possible every day. It is possible that during this period cleaning will be experienced differently than you are used to. If complaints arise about the cleaning, you can of course report this to the VvE manager for owners and via Heimstaden for tenants.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the VvE manager VZB-vastgoed via email info@vzbvastgoed.nl or by telephone: 070-4273372

August 25, 2023
The VSR company will start relining the vertical bathroom down pipes from October 12. Relining is pipe renovation without cutting and breaking. The first standpipe that will be done is the 8-storey string on the outside wall (no. 136) and the last is the 10-storey string next to the elevator. The bathroom down pipes for floor 15 were already completed at the beginning of this year.VSR expects it to be completed on November 16.

July 30, 2023
On Monday, August 7, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM.

June 28, 2023
On Monday, July 35, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00. Then you can also meet our new board member Jacky van Riet.

June 8, 2023
Who wants to help save costs for the VvE
During the last ALV of 22-05-23 it was discussed that paint is coming loose from the concrete on some parts of the gallery floor, that there would be cracks in the concrete and even holes in a gallery floor. The handyman team made a complete tour of the flat on Sunday 28 May. The overall impression is that everything is going well. There are some points of attention, especially in the high part. The company Repahoud has been approached and there has now also been a round to view the cracks / holes. Here and there, the operation of the building has caused small cracks in the supports that are relatively easy to repair. The vast majority is paint that has flaked and some sanding and painting can make it look neat again until a time when there are sufficient financial resources to give the complex a new paint job. The handyman team is urgently looking for extra hands to be able to get this job done, many hands make light work and also to realize a substantial saving on working hours. If you are willing to lend a hand, please send an email to info@vvebelvederebos.nl with the dates on which you can be available.

May 31, 2023
On Monday, June 5, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00. Then you can also meet our new board member Jacky van Riet.

May 26, 2023
The board would like to thank all members who were present, who issued an authorization, and who voted outside the meeting for the ALV of last May 22. It was a good and orderly meeting for the association in which the members agreed with a large majority on all but one proposed resolution (abseiling).

May 5, 2022
The General Meeting of Members of your Owners' Association will be held on May 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the De Keet community building, Abdissenbos 15, 2715 XA ZOETERMEER. Invitations for General Members Meeting VvE sent to owners. All associated documents can be found on gate management under ALV tab.

April 30, 2023
Next Monday, May 1, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

April 29, 2023
The company Duijvelaar will work on Friday 5 May between 08:00 and 09:00 with the lower filters for the pressurized water system in the HIGH-BUILD (nos. 2-121). Please note that the water cannot be used. The filters can be the reason for fluctuations in water pressure and too much air in the pipes.

April 25, 2023
Tomorrow, Wednesday 26 April, JDU will perform installation work on LOWRISE (123-246). The work will take place between 13:00 and 15:00. Please note that the water cannot be used.

April 19, 2023
Due to installation work, the water from the HIGHRISE (2-121) will be collected on Wednesday 26 April from 08:00 to 12:00. Please note that the water cannot be used.

March 10, 2023March 10, 2023
From April 3, M&M Glasvezeltecheniek will resume installing the remaining fiber optic connections via the balconies on behalf of the board. For residents who give permission for this, the fiber optic will be installed in the living room. The supplier is expected to complete the work at the end of April.

February 16, 2023
On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, the general electricity meter of the high-rise (2-121) will be replaced by Stedin. As a result, the general electricity of the high-rise will be switched off from 12:30 pm for the maximum duration of 2 hours. During the export you will not be able to use the elevator, hot water and heating in this part of the complex. The work will not affect the electricity supply in your home.

January 24, 2023
The online General Members Meeting for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246 that would be held on 8
February 2023 has been postponed.

January 20, 2023
An online General Members Meeting will be held on February 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, in which decisions can be made with regard to a number of important topics with a sufficient number of votes. The documentation has been sent to members by email.

January 18, 2023
From 12:00, the water from Hoogbouw Belvédèrebos will be removed. This is due to work. We are working hard to get everything working again as soon as possible.

05 January 2023
From January 6, 2023, the company VSR will continue with the relining of the 18 vertical kitchen downpipes as well as the 4 vertical bathroom downpipes for 15 high. Relining is pipe renovation without cutting and breaking. The first downpipe that will be done is the 8-high strand on the outer wall (No. 136) and the last is the 15-high strand on the outer wall (No. 2). VSR expects the entire project to be completed by February 16.

January 1, 2023
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos and their loved ones a happy, prosperous and healthy 2023.

----- 2023 -----

December 28, 2022
Duijvelaar has now replaced some parts of the pressurized water system and the water pressure should be back to normal. However, a valve will have to be replaced this morning. Van Dorp will do this this morning and they expect to start around 10 or 11 am. Then the water will be shut off again for about one hour. After this everything should function properly again.

December 27, 2022
Unfortunately, due to a malfunction in the pressurized water system, there is currently no water pressure in part of your VvE. As a result, you may not be able to use water in your home. The Duijvelaar company is aware and will rectify the malfunction this afternoon. Unfortunately, due to the holidays and less deployable staff, a specific time is not yet known. We apologize for the inconvenience, we will try to resolve the malfunction as soon as possible.

December 24, 2022
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos Happy Holidays

December 23, 2022
Due to work being carried out by Van Dorp, the homes of Belvederebos 2 to 121 will not be able to use the water next Tuesday, December 27, between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. This applies to both cold and hot water. The low-rise buildings (123/246) will be able to use the water during this period. Sorry for the inconvenience.

December 20, 2022
Due to a leak in a general hot water pipe, the company Van Dorp will have to carry out a repair next Friday, December 23. To be able to carry out this maintenance properly, the water supply will have to be shut off. As a result, the entire low-rise building (123/246) will not be able to use both hot and cold water between 10:00 and 15:00. The installer will strive to carry out the work as quickly as possible to limit the inconvenience period. to limit the nuisance period.

December 1, 2022
Due to "pakjesavond", the walk-in evening will take place on Tuesday December 6, 2022 in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

November 24, 2022
From December 6, 2022, the company VSR will start relining the 24 vertical kitchen drain riser pipes as well as the 4 vertical bathroom drain riser pipes for 15 high in order to limit the nuisance for the commercial spaces below as much as possible. Relinen is pipe renovation without cutting and breaking. The first drain pipe that will be done is the 8-high strand on the outer wall (No. 136) and the last is the 15-high strand on the outer wall (No. 2). VSR expects the entire project to be completed by the end of February, partly due to the holidays.

November 11, 2022
In recent months, the number of reports of brown rat nuisance ( Rattus Norvegicus) in Meerzicht (especially the Bossenbuurt) has increased sharply. Despite the fact that the park is beautiful, there are plenty of food and hiding places for brown rats to nest. There are plenty of nesting and hiding places at the front of the buildings. The food supply is also too large. In collaboration with the municipality of Zoetermeer, B2Blue Pest Control has taken the initiative to make an Action Plan together with Vestia, Vidomes, the VvE board and the real estate company VZB.

November 4, 2022
Next Monday, November 7, 2022, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

September 29, 2022
Next Monday, October 3, 2022, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

September 15, 2022
All new roof fans have been adjusted in a number of homes on the basis of measurements.

September 9, 2022
Due to unforeseen circumstances at another location, the roof fans could not be switched on yet. Today, the electrical installation has been adapted by an external electrical company, but cannot be commissioned by them as a subcontractor. The board and the VvE administrator have tried everything to get the systems started before the weekend. Unfortunately, it turned out that the installer saw no possibility for this. The Ventius company has promised that they will put the fans into operation next Monday, September 12.

September 7, 2022
Friday, September 9, company Ventius will adapt the electrical installations for the high-rise and low-rise buildings so that the roof fans can then be started up. This was originally planned for the week of August 29 to September 2, but due to excessive leakage currents in this building complex, another solution had to be devised. This applies to both high-rise and low-rise buildings. During the adjustment of the installation, the power for the common electricity will be switched off for about 15 minutes. This has consequences for the boilers for the hot water, the lighting in the hall, stairwells and storage rooms. When the power supply is turned off, the sliding doors and elevators will be secured to prevent confinement. Temporarily switching off the power for the high-rise buildings will not take place at the same time as switching off the power for the low-rise buildings. An exact time for power off cannot be given.

September 5, 2022
an update on the roof fans
last week, the installer found that this complex has an excess of leakage current, so that the new roof fans would switch off immediately after switching on. Today there was a vigorous discussion with VZB and the installer about the lack of communication about this and the availability of the installer. There was even no response via personal 06 numbers. Around 1600, the installer called with the announcement that a solution has been devised that will probably be installed on Wednesday but before the end of this week at the latest, so that the new roof fans can be switched on.

August 28,2022
On Monday September 5, 2022 there will be another walk-in evening in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

August 26, 2022
Our cleaner Alaattin will be on holiday from Monday 29 August 2022 to 16 September 2022. During this period he will be replaced by his colleague Silvana.

August 22, 2022
The anniversary party for the 50th anniversary of Belvédèrebos, which was planned for Sunday 18 September 2022, will not take place due to the very small number of registrations (less than 50 people).
August 20, 2022
Major maintenance and/or replacement of the ventilation system will be carried out in the period from August 29 to September 2, 2022, in accordance with the decision in the GMM of May 30, 2022. You can expect a letter with more information in your letterbox next week.

July 29, 2022
Next Monday, August 1, 2022, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

July 27, 2022
In connection with the 50th anniversary of our apartment complex, if there are sufficient registrations, a party will be held in the neighborhood shack on September 18, 2022. Please register as soon as possible and no later than August 22. We will inform every resident of this via a flyer in the letterbox.

June 30, 2022
Next Monday, July 4, 2022, there will be another walk-in evening in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

June 26, 2022
The renovation of the lifts on the high side of the building will start on Monday 11 July 2022. The elevator for the even floors will be the first to be renovated. During the renovation, the lift for the odd floors will remain available. As soon as the elevator for the even floors is ready, work will immediately start on the elevator for the odd floors. The total renovation is expected to take no longer than 7 weeks.

05 June 2022
In a well-attended and conducted online General Members Meeting for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, decisions were made on a variety of topics, including the approval for the replacement of the roof fans. The minutes of this meeting will be shared with members shortly.

May 31, 2022
Due to Whit Monday, the next walk-in evening will take place on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

May 15, 2022
An online General Members Meeting will be held on May 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, in which decisions can be made with a sufficient number of votes on a number of important topics. The documentation has been sent to members by email.

April 28, 2022
Next Monday, May 2, 2022, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

April 16, 2022
King's Day is on Wednesday 27 April. In the past two years it was not possible to celebrate King's Day, but this year we can fully enjoy this great party with a free market, King's breakfast and lots of activities. Look at Zoetermeer Actief for the full program in Zoetermeer.

March 28, 2022
There are intercom problems with the system for the low numbers 2-121. The supplier will repair the outpost and the parts have been ordered but unfortunately the delivery times are longer than usual and it is expected that this work can be carried out on 14 April. The intercom will then function properly again. Until then, the intercom will be intermittent out of order and we ask for your understanding.

March 25, 2022
The Temporary COVID-19 Measures Act has again been extended by three months until June 1, 2022. VvEs can therefore continue to meet digitally until June 1, 2022, despite the relaxation, if physical meetings are not possible or desired.

March 22, 2022

Wednesday 23 March, the hot water system on the high side will be shut off temporarily between 1300 en 1400 hours. This is to replace a broken part.

March 6, 2022
The annual check of the dry fire pipes will take place on Monday 7 March.

March 6, 2022
As of today de website for VVE Belvederebos is also available in Englisch

March 2, 2022
Next Monday, March 07, the second walk-in evening will be held in the office of the huismeester between 19:30 and 21:00 hours

January 24, 2022
The board of the Owners' Association Belvédèrebos 1 to 246 would like to be more accessible for residents of our apartment complex. Because there are many questions, we will be holding walk-in evenings in the caretaker's office on every  first Monday of the month. The first walk-in evening will be held on monday 07 Februari between 19:30 and 21:00 hours

January 23, 2022
The Haaglanden Safety Region and the municipality invite you to a digital information meeting on February 2, 2022 about the relocation of the fire station from the city center to the Abdissenbos. As a resident of the new fire station to be built, you are cordially invited to attend. You can register for this digital meeting by sending an email to projectenpmv@zoetermeer.nl with the subject line "New construction fire station Abdissenbos".

January 21, 2022
Next Friday, January 28, the company Van Dorp will carry out work on the water pipes. As a result, you may not be able to use water between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM. This applies to both hot and cold water.

January 12, 2022
In a well-attended and successful 2nd online General Members Meeting for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, a number of important decisions were taken for major maintenance projects. Some of the lifts and stand pipes will be renovated in 2022. This will then be followed up in 2023. Further information will be shared with residents as soon as it is known.

January 1, 2022
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos and their loved ones a happy, prosperous and healthy 2022

----- 2022 -----

December 22, 2021
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos happy holidays

December 16, 2021
Due to lack of interest, a 2nd online General Members Meeting will be held on January 11, 2022 at 7 p.m. for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246

November 26, 2021
An online General Members Meeting will be held on 14 December 2021 at 7:00 PM for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, in which decisions can be made with a sufficient number of votes regarding renovation of lifts and stand pipes.

August 12, 2021
The cleaning of the gallery plating has been postponed to week 39 due to unforeseen circumstances

July 20, 2021
The cleaning of the gallery plating is scheduled for week 36/37

June 30, 2021
Today the Intercom in the high part has been reinstalled and a noticeable improvement in sound quality has been achieved. On Wednesday 07 July this will also take place for the intercom in the low part

June 7, 2021
On Monday 14 June there will be a re-inspection for the uneven lift in the low section in the morning.

June 4, 2021
Invitations for General Members Meeting VvE sent to owners. All related documents can be found on gate management under ALV tab. The GMM will take place on June 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM.

May 20, 2021
On Tuesday May 18, all lifts were inspected by TUV. Unfortunately, the uneven lift in the low section was rejected due to a bad cable for the speed limiter. Orana had to turn off this lift by order of TUV. It is the intention that the cable is replaced on 21/5, after which the lift can be switched on again. However, a re-examination must then take place. This usually happens within two weeks

May 10, 2021
On Tuesday 18 May, an inspection and testing will take place for both lifts in the low and high part of Belvédèrebos 1-246) between 08.00 and 12.30. Inspection time approximately 75 minutes.

March 25, 2021
Daylight saving time 2021 will start on the night of Saturday March 27 to Sunday March 28. Time: 2:00 am. Don't forget to note: the clocks go forward one hour! This means that you will sleep one hour less that night. Fortunately, we get a lot of extra daylight in return! Do you have trouble remembering whether the clock is moving forward or back? mnemonic for summer time 2021: "In the spring, the clocks go forward one hour."

March 22, 2021
Wednesday afternoon March 24 and Thursday March 25, the company BRAHO will check and test the 6 dry fire extinguishing pipes on the outside of the gallery.

March 11, 2021
WOZ values ​​have risen enormously again.
The 2021 municipal tax assessment shows a considerable increase in the value of the WOZ calculated, so an increase in your assessment. The municipality has no knowledge of the actual condition of your home and assumes a value, often based on the sale of surrounding homes. The housing market has taken off enormously, which means that considerable amounts are being paid for our homes. However, that does not give a realistic picture. We all know that our homes still need plenty of maintenance. Complaints are pouring in at the municipality about the enormous increase in the WOZ, and they have already received many submitted objections.

If you are of the opinion that your WOZ is too high and you want to object, please do so via the municipality's website. https://belastingen.zoetermeer.nl
You log in with your DIGID and go through a very short questionnaire. Write a short motivation why you think your WOZ is too high and send your objection directly to the municipality.
There are also organizations that want to do this "for free" for you, but beware!!!! They pay their costs to the municipality. And guess who the municipality is going to recover these costs from????
If you do it directly at the municipality, they don't get those costs and neither do we!
Pay attention
The notice of objection must be received by the municipality within 6 weeks of the date of the assessment.

March 1, 2021
Cute noses, soft hair and cuddly paws. Spring will have to wait a little longer, but the pigs don't care about that. Meanwhile, piglets are born at Speelboerderij Het Buitenbeest.

At the city farm Het Buitenbeest it is a party because piglets are born. We see about nine pigs with black spots drinking sweets from the mother.

Belgian father
The piglets come from a Belgian sire of the black and white Piétrain breed. They were born on Sunday evening, February 28. "It was a smooth delivery," explains an employee of the city farm. "The delivery starts when the sow becomes feverish and lies down. Between births there is a short pause until the next piglet arrives. Finally comes the afterbirth and the fever disappears. The mother and the piglets are doing well."

gnawing laces
The city farm on the Voorweg hopes to be able to open again soon. "In a while the piglets will be allowed to go outside. Then they can run around the yard and gnaw on your shoelaces. We expect the lambs at the end of March. Besides the fact that it is nice to open the doors to the public again, it is better for the newborn animals if people come again. They are not used to that and may feel uncomfortable with it. We are waiting for the messages."

March 1, 2021
Start cleaner and service manager of Boon Bedrijfsdiensten and the JanssenWiersmagroep.
February 16, 2021
First online meeting of the new VvE board in which the roles were discussed and divided between the 5 board members.

February 10, 2021
VZB sends the minutes and results of the vote.
VvE board members. 5 members have been appointed to the board and two members to the technical committee

February 4, 2021
Online voting via VZB Gastebeheer system for new board VvE

September 25, 2020
A parked car burned out on the Belvederebos.
Just before half past two, the tanker sprayer of the Stadshart barracks was alerted to a vehicle fire in the Belvederebos. Upon arrival, a parked passenger car was ablaze.
The fire was quickly extinguished, but despite the efforts of the fire service, the car, a Mercedes with a new value of more than one ton, was damaged beyond repair.
The cause of the fire is not yet known, but arson has not been ruled out.

December 16, 2019
On Wednesday evening, December 18, the police arrested a man in a flat at the Belvédèrebos in Meerzicht. The arrest was made by several units and many officers, but went smoothly.
This arrest may be related to an earlier report from the Zoetermeer police, in which a suspect was sought who would be around the Alferbos. In Meerzicht, the Alferbos and Belvédèrebos flats are located next to each other.
A police helicopter also circled above the Meerzicht district for a long time around the arrest, which was clearly looking for suspicious situations or people.

January 1, 2025
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos and their loved ones a happy, prosperous and healthy 2025.


December 28, 2024
On Monday, January 6, 2025, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

December 24, 2024
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos

December 19, 2024
On Wednesday, December 18, the renovation of the elevator cars and shaft in the low-rise building almost complete. The wooden partitions were then removed. The lifts were inspected on December 19 and were put back into service in the afternoon. There is still work to be done on the elevators, but there will always be 1 elevator in operation. Replacing the interior of the elevators will take place in January 2025.

December 3, 2024
The odd lift in the low-rise building has been almost completely renovated and is back in use, the interior will be replaced in January

November 26, 2024
On Monday, December 2, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM 28, 2024

Oktober 28, 2024
On Monday, November 4, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

September 29, 2024
Upcoming work
Elevator renovation
11/11/24 to 28/11/24
Renovation uneven elevator lowrise building
29/11/24 to 20/12/24
Renovation even elevator lowrise building
Facade repair corner of low-rise/high-rise Week 42 - construction scaffolding
Week 43-47 maintenance and repair of facades

September 28, 2024
On Monday, October 7, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

August 28, 2024
On Monday, September 2, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

August 12, 2024
The cleaner Alaattin has recently left for Turkey for a funeral. He is expected to be back on Tuesday, August 13 and resume his work. From Monday 19 August he will be absent for 4 weeks and his duties will be carried out by other people, just like in previous years.

July 26, 2024
On Monday, August 4, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

July 22, 2024
On July 10 this year you received a letter regarding the persistent problems with lifts and the lack of information from Orona to the customer (HOA).
The board has now again asked Orona questions by email, asking for an explanation and the fact that their actions have created a negative image of Orona's skills and professionalism. 
Unfortunately, we have not received any substantive answers to date. They have, however, made a proposal for a meeting on August 20, in which they would like to provide details and explanations on how they intend to improve the situation regarding the lifts and communication with VvE Belvédèrebos. A similar conversation took place on September 5 last year, after which Orona has not shown in any way that they are actually improving the points discussed.
As a board and manager, we are investigating whether an independent lift party can provide us with advice so that we are better able to understand the current situation of lift status. A party has been approached for this and we are awaiting their response and cost statement. If a conversation with Orona takes place, an independent party will certainly participate.
In view of the above, it is the expectation of the board and manager that we will not see any serious change in Orona's services before this appointment. If anything unexpectedly changes, we will of course inform you immediately.
We thank you in advance for your understanding.

July 14, 2024
REMINDER -- The second General Members Meeting of your Owners Association will be held on July 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos

July 10, 2024
At the AGM of January 11 this year, the AGM decided to award the lift renovation contract to Orona based on the updated quotation. Unfortunately, the order was only given to Orona by the previous manager on March 15, so the renovation is scheduled for the end of this year.
There has been a clearly noticeable increase in elevator problems this year, especially in low-rise buildings. These problems keep recurring and for which, as it seems, no structural solution can be found. As manager and board, we understand that members would like to be informed about this, but unfortunately, despite all these problems and the almost daily presence of lift technicians, it remains remarkably quiet from Orona to the manager/association. No information is provided in any way regarding the nature and reason of disruptions. When asked, a technical answer is returned from which it is not possible to deduce what the problems really are.
The renovation that has already been carried out in the high-rise buildings also does not appear to be sufficient to reduce the number of disruptions. The board continues to ask Orona questions to gain clarity. However, this takes longer than expected.
We thank you in advance for your understanding

June 26, 2024
On Monday, July 1, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

June 21, 2024
The second General Members' Meeting of your Owners' Association will be held on July 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos 15 2715 XA ZOETERMEER. Invitations to the second General Members Meeting of the VvE sent to owners.

June 3, 2024
The General Members' Meeting of your Owners' Association was to be held on June 17, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos 15 2715 A second meeting will therefore be convened and will take place within 6 weeks of the first meeting.

June 1, 2024
The General Members' Meeting of your Owners' Association will be held on June 17, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos 15 2715 XA ZOETERMEER. Invitations to the VvE General Members Meeting sent to owners.

May 26, 2024
On Monday, June 3, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

May 8, 2024
JDU planning for replacing broken valves in homes strang 21-22
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
13-05-2024 | Strang 21
House numbers: 133 147 161 175 189 203 217 231
13-05-2024 | Strang 22

House numbers: 134 148 162 176 190 204 218 232

May 1, 2024
As of today, May 1, we as an Owners' Association have a new manager, 24/7 VvE Management.
You can easily report repairs via the Convect App
With the Convect App members can easily submit a repair request. The app is available for both Android and iOS (Apple), which you can download from the Playstore or the App Store. In the store you use the search term: Convect VvE. You log in with your Convect password. In the attachment of the letter to owners you will find the
details to log in for the first time. After you have logged in for the first time, you can then enter this login
use for the app.
Accessibility 24/7 VvE Beheer B.V.
We can be reached by telephone on working days from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at: (085) 060 38 39. Our email address is:
info@247vvebeheer.nl. In the event of emergencies that cannot wait until the next working day, we are available 24 hours a day
day, seven days a week, available on the aforementioned telephone number.

April 24, 2024
On Monday, May 5, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

April 23, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 19-20
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during the work on your home side between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
03-05-2024 | Strang 19
House numbers: 131 145 159 173 187 201 215 229
03-05-2024 | Strang 20
House numbers: 132 146 160 174 188 202 216 230

April 6, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 9-10
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
On the date below we will be in the complex to replace the valves of the (hot) water. An appointment has been scheduled with you, if not please contact us.
Because we need to be in every home to check for leaks, we ask you ALL (including those with whom an appointment has been made) to be home (also) from 3pm.
We thank you all for your cooperation.
11-04-2024 | Strang 12
Homes:  124 138 152 166 180 194 208 222 236 242
12-04-2024 | Strang 13
Homes:  125 139 153 167 181 195 209 223 237 243
15-04-2024 | Strang 14
Homes:  126 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 244
16-04-2024 | Strang 15
Homes:  127 141 155 169 183 197 211 225 239 245
17-04-2024 | Strang 16
Homes:  128 156 184 198 142 170 212 226 240 246
22-04-2024 | Strang 17
Homes:  129 157 213 143 171 185 199 227
22-04-2024 | Strang 18
Homes:  130 144 158 172 200 214 186 228

March 23, 2024
Due to Easter Monday, the walk-in evening will take place on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

March 15, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes Strang 11
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
27-03-2024 | Strang 10, valves in the storage room.
homes: 123-137-151-165-179-193-207-221-235-241

March 13, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 9-10
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
03-15-2024 | Strang 9, valves in the storage room.
homes: 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100
25-03-2024 | Strang 10, valves in the storage room.
homes: 11-21-31-41-51-61-71-81-91-101

February 29, 2024
Planning JDU forreplacing broken valves in homes strang 7-8
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
04-03-2024 | Strang 3, valves in dental prosthesis practice
homes: 4-14-24-34-44-54-64-74-84-94-104-108-112-116-120
second try
04-03-2024 | Strang 7, valves in the storage room.
homes: 8-18-28-38-48-58-68-78-88-98
08-03-2024 | Strang 8, valves in the storage room.
homes: 9-19-29-39-49-59-69-79-89-99

February 25, 2024
On Monday, February 5 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

February 14, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 3-4-5-6
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
02-18-2024 | Strang 3, valves in dental prosthesis practice
homes: 4-14-24-34-44-54-64-74-84-94-104-108-112-116-120
21-02-2024 | Strang 4, valves in Bulky Waste area
homes 5-15-25-35-45-55-65-75-85-95-105-109-113-117-121
26-02-2024 | Strang 5, valves in the storage room.
homes 7-17-27-37-47-57-67-77-87-97
26-02-2024 | Strang 6, valves in the storage room.
homes 7-17-27-37-47-57-77-77-87-97

February 9, 2024
Planning JDU for replacing broken valves in homes strang 1-2
However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and possibly cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
12-02-2024 | Strang 1, valves in Veterinary Clinic
homes: 2-12-22-32-42-52-62-72-82-92-102-106-110-114-118
13-02-2024 | Strang 2, valves in Veterinary Clinic
homes: 3-13-23-33-43-53-63-73-83-93-103-107-111-115-119

Januari 28, 2023
On Monday, February 5 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

January 20, 2024
Dear residents,
The installer JDU will repair the hot water system of low-rise buildings (122 to 246) on Wednesday, January 24. This is a significant operation that also requires hoisting work. The installer has indicated that the work will be completed in 1 day, but it may take until the evening hours before hot water is available again. There may also be a need for a brief interruption of the cold-water supply to your home. You do not have to be present during the work. However, this means that you will not be able to use hot water during the work between 08:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Best regards, Board home owners association
Belvédèrebos 1 till 246 at Zoetermeer

January 6, 2024
The JDU company will replace all hot water string valves. The high-rise buildings (2 to 121) will be completed on January 15, the low-rise buildings (122 to 246) will be completed on January 16. In addition, January 17 has been reserved for a possible extension. You do not have to be present during the work. However, this means that you will not be able to use hot and cold water during work on your home between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. The installer will try to complete the work in two days to limit inconvenience. If this is successful, we will inform you on January 17 that the water can be used earlier than planned. After this work has been completed, JDU will contact you to make an appointment to replace the hot water meter in the home. If your water meter has already been replaced, you will not be contacted.

 1, 2024
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos and their loved ones a happy, prosperous and healthy 2023.


December 28, 2023
On Monday, January 8, 2024, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

December 24, 2023
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos happy holidays

December 10, 2023
The board would like to take this opportunity to thank all members who attended the AGM last December 7. The board and the members present are disappointed that despite the well-known importance of this meeting, no majority of members had registered. The support for and decisiveness of a homeowners' association is the responsibility of every member who is part of it. The board implements and monitors the decisions taken at an AGM. A (1st) AGM requires a required majority of votes to be able to make decisions, for the Belvederebos this is 124. If that number is not reached, a 2nd AGM will be held within 6 weeks whereby there is no requirement for a majority. to make decisions. In that case, a minority can make decisions for a majority. The 2nd meeting is now scheduled for January 11, 2022.

December 8, 2023
Unfortunately, the water in the wells could not be pumped out until this morning. Both lifts are now operational again

December 6, 2023
The wells of the high-rise elevators are full of water. This came close to electricity, so the elevators were turned off as a precaution. Orona is dependent on a supplier with regard to the output to pump out wells because they do not do this themselves. They suspect that the submersible pump is defective/not working. This is checked immediately when the well has been pumped empty. Probably tomorrow.

November 25, 2023
On Monday, December 4, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

November 16, 2023
The General Members' Meeting of your Owners' Association will be held on December 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the De Keet neighborhood building, Abdissenbos 15 2715 XA ZOETERMEER. Invitations to the VvE General Members Meeting sent to owners. All associated documents can be found at gate management under ALV tab.

October 28,2023
On Monday, November 5, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

September 29, 2023
The VSR company will start relining the vertical bathroom downpipes from October 12. Relining is pipe renovation without cutting and breaking. The first standpipe that will be done is the 8-storey string on the outside wall (no. 136) and the last is the 10-storey string next to the elevator. The bathroom down pipes for floor 15 were already done at the beginning of this year. VSR expects everything to be completed by November 16.
VSR applies a liner consisting of a seamless knitted polyester stocking in combination with an epoxy resin. The seamless sleeve allows diameter jumps, bends and vertical stretch due to building operation to be absorbed. The cured resin will not tear/break during operation of the building because it becomes "soft" again as a result of increasing tension and thus gains the necessary flexibility. The wick-resin combination gives the pipe to be renovated extra mechanical strength due to the high e-modulus. We do not have to be in the home to reline the down pipes and residents do not have to be at home immediately. This is a major limitation

September 25, 2023
On Monday, October 8, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM

September 6, 2023
We received an update about our cleaner. Alaattin has torn/broken his tibia and will not be able to resume his cleaning duties for the time being. It has been agreed with his employer that his planned holiday can go ahead. It is expected that Alaattin will be able to resume his work in mid-October
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the VvE manager VZB-vastgoed via email info@vzbvastgoed.nl or by telephone: 070-4273372

August 30, 2023
On Monday, September 4, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM.

August 28, 2023
On Sunday evening, August 27, we received a report that Alaattin fell on Friday evening and can no longer walk. We don't know what's going on yet, but it will certainly last this week. For that reason, his work will be taken up by a colleague. Who, what and how is not yet known. His employer will try to complete it as best as possible every day. It is possible that during this period cleaning will be experienced differently than you are used to. If complaints arise about the cleaning, you can of course report this to the VvE manager for owners and via Heimstaden for tenants.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the VvE manager VZB-vastgoed via email info@vzbvastgoed.nl or by telephone: 070-4273372

August 25, 2023
The VSR company will start relining the vertical bathroom down pipes from October 12. Relining is pipe renovation without cutting and breaking. The first standpipe that will be done is the 8-storey string on the outside wall (no. 136) and the last is the 10-storey string next to the elevator. The bathroom down pipes for floor 15 were already completed at the beginning of this year.VSR expects it to be completed on November 16.

July 30, 2023
On Monday, August 7, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the VvE office (formerly the caretaker's office) between 7:30 PM and 9:00 PM.

June 28, 2023
On Monday, July 35, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00. Then you can also meet our new board member Jacky van Riet.June 28, 2023
On Monday, July 35, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00. Then you can also meet our new board member Jacky van Riet.

June 8, 2023
Who wants to help save costs for the VvE
During the last ALV of 22-05-23 it was discussed that paint is coming loose from the concrete on some parts of the gallery floor, that there would be cracks in the concrete and even holes in a gallery floor. The handyman team made a complete tour of the flat on Sunday 28 May. The overall impression is that everything is going well. There are some points of attention, especially in the high part. The company Repahoud has been approached and there has now also been a round to view the cracks / holes. Here and there, the operation of the building has caused small cracks in the supports that are relatively easy to repair. The vast majority is paint that has flaked and some sanding and painting can make it look neat again until a time when there are sufficient financial resources to give the complex a new paint job. The handyman team is urgently looking for extra hands to be able to get this job done, many hands make light work and also to realize a substantial saving on working hours. If you are willing to lend a hand, please send an email to info@vvebelvederebos.nl with the dates on which you can be available.

May 31, 2023
On Monday, June 5, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00. Then you can also meet our new board member Jacky van Riet.

May 26, 2023
The board would like to thank all members who were present, who issued an authorization, and who voted outside the meeting for the ALV of last May 22. It was a good and orderly meeting for the association in which the members agreed with a large majority on all but one proposed resolution (abseiling).

May 5, 2022
The General Meeting of Members of your Owners' Association will be held on May 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the De Keet community building, Abdissenbos 15, 2715 XA ZOETERMEER. Invitations for General Members Meeting VvE sent to owners. All associated documents can be found on gate management under ALV tab.

April 30, 2023
Next Monday, May 1, 2023, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

April 29, 2023
The company Duijvelaar will work on Friday 5 May between 08:00 and 09:00 with the lower filters for the pressurized water system in the HIGH-BUILD (nos. 2-121). Please note that the water cannot be used. The filters can be the reason for fluctuations in water pressure and too much air in the pipes.

April 25, 2023
Tomorrow, Wednesday 26 April, JDU will perform installation work on LOWRISE (123-246). The work will take place between 13:00 and 15:00. Please note that the water cannot be used.

April 19, 2023
Due to installation work, the water from the HIGHRISE (2-121) will be collected on Wednesday 26 April from 08:00 to 12:00. Please note that the water cannot be used.

March 10, 2023March 10, 2023
From April 3, M&M Glasvezeltecheniek will resume installing the remaining fiber optic connections via the balconies on behalf of the board. For residents who give permission for this, the fiber optic will be installed in the living room. The supplier is expected to complete the work at the end of April.

February 16, 2023
On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, the general electricity meter of the high-rise (2-121) will be replaced by Stedin. As a result, the general electricity of the high-rise will be switched off from 12:30 pm for the maximum duration of 2 hours. During the export you will not be able to use the elevator, hot water and heating in this part of the complex. The work will not affect the electricity supply in your home.

January 24, 2023
The online General Members Meeting for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246 that would be held on 8
February 2023 has been postponed.

January 20, 2023
An online General Members Meeting will be held on February 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, in which decisions can be made with regard to a number of important topics with a sufficient number of votes. The documentation has been sent to members by email.

January 18, 2023
From 12:00, the water from Hoogbouw Belvédèrebos will be removed. This is due to work. We are working hard to get everything working again as soon as possible.

05 January 2023
From January 6, 2023, the company VSR will continue with the relining of the 18 vertical kitchen downpipes as well as the 4 vertical bathroom downpipes for 15 high. Relining is pipe renovation without cutting and breaking. The first downpipe that will be done is the 8-high strand on the outer wall (No. 136) and the last is the 15-high strand on the outer wall (No. 2). VSR expects the entire project to be completed by February 16.

January 1, 2023
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos and their loved ones a happy, prosperous and healthy 2023.

----- 2023 -----

December 28, 2022
Duijvelaar has now replaced some parts of the pressurized water system and the water pressure should be back to normal. However, a valve will have to be replaced this morning. Van Dorp will do this this morning and they expect to start around 10 or 11 am. Then the water will be shut off again for about one hour. After this everything should function properly again.

December 27, 2022
Unfortunately, due to a malfunction in the pressurized water system, there is currently no water pressure in part of your VvE. As a result, you may not be able to use water in your home. The Duijvelaar company is aware and will rectify the malfunction this afternoon. Unfortunately, due to the holidays and less deployable staff, a specific time is not yet known. We apologize for the inconvenience, we will try to resolve the malfunction as soon as possible.

December 24, 2022
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos Happy Holidays

December 23, 2022
Due to work being carried out by Van Dorp, the homes of Belvederebos 2 to 121 will not be able to use the water next Tuesday, December 27, between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. This applies to both cold and hot water. The low-rise buildings (123/246) will be able to use the water during this period. Sorry for the inconvenience.

December 20, 2022
Due to a leak in a general hot water pipe, the company Van Dorp will have to carry out a repair next Friday, December 23. To be able to carry out this maintenance properly, the water supply will have to be shut off. As a result, the entire low-rise building (123/246) will not be able to use both hot and cold water between 10:00 and 15:00. The installer will strive to carry out the work as quickly as possible to limit the inconvenience period. to limit the nuisance period.

December 1, 2022
Due to "pakjesavond", the walk-in evening will take place on Tuesday December 6, 2022 in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

November 24, 2022
From December 6, 2022, the company VSR will start relining the 24 vertical kitchen drain riser pipes as well as the 4 vertical bathroom drain riser pipes for 15 high in order to limit the nuisance for the commercial spaces below as much as possible. Relinen is pipe renovation without cutting and breaking. The first drain pipe that will be done is the 8-high strand on the outer wall (No. 136) and the last is the 15-high strand on the outer wall (No. 2). VSR expects the entire project to be completed by the end of February, partly due to the holidays.

November 11, 2022
In recent months, the number of reports of brown rat nuisance ( Rattus Norvegicus) in Meerzicht (especially the Bossenbuurt) has increased sharply. Despite the fact that the park is beautiful, there are plenty of food and hiding places for brown rats to nest. There are plenty of nesting and hiding places at the front of the buildings. The food supply is also too large. In collaboration with the municipality of Zoetermeer, B2Blue Pest Control has taken the initiative to make an Action Plan together with Vestia, Vidomes, the VvE board and the real estate company VZB.

November 4, 2022
Next Monday, November 7, 2022, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

September 29, 2022
Next Monday, October 3, 2022, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

September 15, 2022
All new roof fans have been adjusted in a number of homes on the basis of measurements.

September 9, 2022
Due to unforeseen circumstances at another location, the roof fans could not be switched on yet. Today, the electrical installation has been adapted by an external electrical company, but cannot be commissioned by them as a subcontractor. The board and the VvE administrator have tried everything to get the systems started before the weekend. Unfortunately, it turned out that the installer saw no possibility for this. The Ventius company has promised that they will put the fans into operation next Monday, September 12.

September 7, 2022
Friday, September 9, company Ventius will adapt the electrical installations for the high-rise and low-rise buildings so that the roof fans can then be started up. This was originally planned for the week of August 29 to September 2, but due to excessive leakage currents in this building complex, another solution had to be devised. This applies to both high-rise and low-rise buildings. During the adjustment of the installation, the power for the common electricity will be switched off for about 15 minutes. This has consequences for the boilers for the hot water, the lighting in the hall, stairwells and storage rooms. When the power supply is turned off, the sliding doors and elevators will be secured to prevent confinement. Temporarily switching off the power for the high-rise buildings will not take place at the same time as switching off the power for the low-rise buildings. An exact time for power off cannot be given.

September 5, 2022
an update on the roof fans
last week, the installer found that this complex has an excess of leakage current, so that the new roof fans would switch off immediately after switching on. Today there was a vigorous discussion with VZB and the installer about the lack of communication about this and the availability of the installer. There was even no response via personal 06 numbers. Around 1600, the installer called with the announcement that a solution has been devised that will probably be installed on Wednesday but before the end of this week at the latest, so that the new roof fans can be switched on.

August 28,2022
On Monday September 5, 2022 there will be another walk-in evening in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

August 26, 2022
Our cleaner Alaattin will be on holiday from Monday 29 August 2022 to 16 September 2022. During this period he will be replaced by his colleague Silvana.

August 22, 2022
The anniversary party for the 50th anniversary of Belvédèrebos, which was planned for Sunday 18 September 2022, will not take place due to the very small number of registrations (less than 50 people).
August 20, 2022
Major maintenance and/or replacement of the ventilation system will be carried out in the period from August 29 to September 2, 2022, in accordance with the decision in the GMM of May 30, 2022. You can expect a letter with more information in your letterbox next week.

July 29, 2022
Next Monday, August 1, 2022, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

July 27, 2022
In connection with the 50th anniversary of our apartment complex, if there are sufficient registrations, a party will be held in the neighborhood shack on September 18, 2022. Please register as soon as possible and no later than August 22. We will inform every resident of this via a flyer in the letterbox.

June 30, 2022
Next Monday, July 4, 2022, there will be another walk-in evening in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

June 26, 2022
The renovation of the lifts on the high side of the building will start on Monday 11 July 2022. The elevator for the even floors will be the first to be renovated. During the renovation, the lift for the odd floors will remain available. As soon as the elevator for the even floors is ready, work will immediately start on the elevator for the odd floors. The total renovation is expected to take no longer than 7 weeks.

05 June 2022
In a well-attended and conducted online General Members Meeting for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, decisions were made on a variety of topics, including the approval for the replacement of the roof fans. The minutes of this meeting will be shared with members shortly.

May 31, 2022
Due to Whit Monday, the next walk-in evening will take place on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

May 15, 2022
An online General Members Meeting will be held on May 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, in which decisions can be made with a sufficient number of votes on a number of important topics. The documentation has been sent to members by email.

April 28, 2022
Next Monday, May 2, 2022, another walk-in evening will take place in the office of the VvE (formerly the caretaker's office) between 19:30 and 21:00.

April 16, 2022
King's Day is on Wednesday 27 April. In the past two years it was not possible to celebrate King's Day, but this year we can fully enjoy this great party with a free market, King's breakfast and lots of activities. Look at Zoetermeer Actief for the full program in Zoetermeer.

March 28, 2022
There are intercom problems with the system for the low numbers 2-121. The supplier will repair the outpost and the parts have been ordered but unfortunately the delivery times are longer than usual and it is expected that this work can be carried out on 14 April. The intercom will then function properly again. Until then, the intercom will be intermittent out of order and we ask for your understanding.

March 25, 2022
The Temporary COVID-19 Measures Act has again been extended by three months until June 1, 2022. VvEs can therefore continue to meet digitally until June 1, 2022, despite the relaxation, if physical meetings are not possible or desired.

March 22, 2022

Wednesday 23 March, the hot water system on the high side will be shut off temporarily between 1300 en 1400 hours. This is to replace a broken part.

March 6, 2022
The annual check of the dry fire pipes will take place on Monday 7 March.

March 6, 2022
As of today de website for VVE Belvederebos is also available in Englisch

March 2, 2022
Next Monday, March 07, the second walk-in evening will be held in the office of the huismeester between 19:30 and 21:00 hours

January 24, 2022
The board of the Owners' Association Belvédèrebos 1 to 246 would like to be more accessible for residents of our apartment complex. Because there are many questions, we will be holding walk-in evenings in the caretaker's office on every  first Monday of the month. The first walk-in evening will be held on monday 07 Februari between 19:30 and 21:00 hours

January 23, 2022
The Haaglanden Safety Region and the municipality invite you to a digital information meeting on February 2, 2022 about the relocation of the fire station from the city center to the Abdissenbos. As a resident of the new fire station to be built, you are cordially invited to attend. You can register for this digital meeting by sending an email to projectenpmv@zoetermeer.nl with the subject line "New construction fire station Abdissenbos".

January 21, 2022
Next Friday, January 28, the company Van Dorp will carry out work on the water pipes. As a result, you may not be able to use water between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM. This applies to both hot and cold water.

January 12, 2022
In a well-attended and successful 2nd online General Members Meeting for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, a number of important decisions were taken for major maintenance projects. Some of the lifts and stand pipes will be renovated in 2022. This will then be followed up in 2023. Further information will be shared with residents as soon as it is known.

January 1, 2022
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos and their loved ones a happy, prosperous and healthy 2022

----- 2022 -----

December 22, 2021
We wish all residents of Belvédèrebos happy holidays

December 16, 2021
Due to lack of interest, a 2nd online General Members Meeting will be held on January 11, 2022 at 7 p.m. for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246

November 26, 2021
An online General Members Meeting will be held on 14 December 2021 at 7:00 PM for the members of VvE Belvédèrebos 1 to 246, in which decisions can be made with a sufficient number of votes regarding renovation of lifts and stand pipes.

August 12, 2021
The cleaning of the gallery plating has been postponed to week 39 due to unforeseen circumstances

July 20, 2021
The cleaning of the gallery plating is scheduled for week 36/37

June 30, 2021
Today the Intercom in the high part has been reinstalled and a noticeable improvement in sound quality has been achieved. On Wednesday 07 July this will also take place for the intercom in the low part

June 7, 2021
On Monday 14 June there will be a re-inspection for the uneven lift in the low section in the morning.

June 4, 2021
Invitations for General Members Meeting VvE sent to owners. All related documents can be found on gate management under ALV tab. The GMM will take place on June 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM.

May 20, 2021
On Tuesday May 18, all lifts were inspected by TUV. Unfortunately, the uneven lift in the low section was rejected due to a bad cable for the speed limiter. Orana had to turn off this lift by order of TUV. It is the intention that the cable is replaced on 21/5, after which the lift can be switched on again. However, a re-examination must then take place. This usually happens within two weeks

May 10, 2021
On Tuesday 18 May, an inspection and testing will take place for both lifts in the low and high part of Belvédèrebos 1-246) between 08.00 and 12.30. Inspection time approximately 75 minutes.

March 25, 2021
Daylight saving time 2021 will start on the night of Saturday March 27 to Sunday March 28. Time: 2:00 am. Don't forget to note: the clocks go forward one hour! This means that you will sleep one hour less that night. Fortunately, we get a lot of extra daylight in return! Do you have trouble remembering whether the clock is moving forward or back? mnemonic for summer time 2021: "In the spring, the clocks go forward one hour."

March 22, 2021
Wednesday afternoon March 24 and Thursday March 25, the company BRAHO will check and test the 6 dry fire extinguishing pipes on the outside of the gallery.

March 11, 2021
WOZ values ​​have risen enormously again.
The 2021 municipal tax assessment shows a considerable increase in the value of the WOZ calculated, so an increase in your assessment. The municipality has no knowledge of the actual condition of your home and assumes a value, often based on the sale of surrounding homes. The housing market has taken off enormously, which means that considerable amounts are being paid for our homes. However, that does not give a realistic picture. We all know that our homes still need plenty of maintenance. Complaints are pouring in at the municipality about the enormous increase in the WOZ, and they have already received many submitted objections.

If you are of the opinion that your WOZ is too high and you want to object, please do so via the municipality's website. https://belastingen.zoetermeer.nl
You log in with your DIGID and go through a very short questionnaire. Write a short motivation why you think your WOZ is too high and send your objection directly to the municipality.
There are also organizations that want to do this "for free" for you, but beware!!!! They pay their costs to the municipality. And guess who the municipality is going to recover these costs from????
If you do it directly at the municipality, they don't get those costs and neither do we!
Pay attention
The notice of objection must be received by the municipality within 6 weeks of the date of the assessment.

March 1, 2021
Cute noses, soft hair and cuddly paws. Spring will have to wait a little longer, but the pigs don't care about that. Meanwhile, piglets are born at Speelboerderij Het Buitenbeest.

At the city farm Het Buitenbeest it is a party because piglets are born. We see about nine pigs with black spots drinking sweets from the mother.

Belgian father
The piglets come from a Belgian sire of the black and white Piétrain breed. They were born on Sunday evening, February 28. "It was a smooth delivery," explains an employee of the city farm. "The delivery starts when the sow becomes feverish and lies down. Between births there is a short pause until the next piglet arrives. Finally comes the afterbirth and the fever disappears. The mother and the piglets are doing well."

gnawing laces
The city farm on the Voorweg hopes to be able to open again soon. "In a while the piglets will be allowed to go outside. Then they can run around the yard and gnaw on your shoelaces. We expect the lambs at the end of March. Besides the fact that it is nice to open the doors to the public again, it is better for the newborn animals if people come again. They are not used to that and may feel uncomfortable with it. We are waiting for the messages."

March 1, 2021
Start cleaner and service manager of Boon Bedrijfsdiensten and the JanssenWiersmagroep.
February 16, 2021
First online meeting of the new VvE board in which the roles were discussed and divided between the 5 board members.

February 10, 2021
VZB sends the minutes and results of the vote.
VvE board members. 5 members have been appointed to the board and two members to the technical committee

February 4, 2021
Online voting via VZB Gastebeheer system for new board VvE

September 25, 2020
A parked car burned out on the Belvederebos.
Just before half past two, the tanker sprayer of the Stadshart barracks was alerted to a vehicle fire in the Belvederebos. Upon arrival, a parked passenger car was ablaze.
The fire was quickly extinguished, but despite the efforts of the fire service, the car, a Mercedes with a new value of more than one ton, was damaged beyond repair.
The cause of the fire is not yet known, but arson has not been ruled out.

December 16, 2019
On Wednesday evening, December 18, the police arrested a man in a flat at the Belvédèrebos in Meerzicht. The arrest was made by several units and many officers, but went smoothly.
This arrest may be related to an earlier report from the Zoetermeer police, in which a suspect was sought who would be around the Alferbos. In Meerzicht, the Alferbos and Belvédèrebos flats are located next to each other.
A police helicopter also circled above the Meerzicht district for a long time around the arrest, which was clearly looking for suspicious situations or people.